Genius Projects


We'll introduce the idea of the Genius Project (20% Project) and work on the proposals.  Every project needs to have three requirements:

The proposal ensures you've thought about these for your project and have enough of a project for the whole semester.  Parent/Guardian permission slips are also required.  Your project isn't your project until it's approved by me and a parent/guardian.  

Your project can revolve around almost anything, given it fulfills the three requirements mentioned above.  We'll use technology throughout our research, creation, and progress sharing, but your project doesn't need to be tech centered.


A lot of resources can be found in this document that I've been working on for years.  Links are organized by project type and what you want to accomplish.  I've also put software recommendations and optional equipment you may have that could help in a classroom or home environment for the projects.

Ultimately, a big part of your project will be the research you do to make sure you're using the right websites, tools, for whatever you need.  Resources to help you learn these tools are also helpful.  Finding the right YouTubers to follow or websites can be pretty motivating to keep moving to the next step. 

Sharing Your Results

You will be creating a website or blog that you'll be updating throughout the semester.  These will be shared with classmates so you're not in this alone.  Accountability can be a helpful motivator as well.  Don't just share the good.  Share what's NOT working or other struggles you're having.  Maybe someone will have an idea that will be helpful. 

We'll also be presenting at the end of the semester.  This will allow you to share how you've grown in your project, how it turned out, and what went differently than you expected it to.  Even if you didn't "finish" your project, you still did SOMETHING.  Try focusing on the positive and give yourself some credit for trying something difficult.